What To Do In a Car Crash

5 years ago
John Risvold

After a car crash you must do three important things: call 911, get medical attention and never trust the insurance…

Who Pays My Medical Bills in a Crash?

5 years ago

The number one question that my clients ask me is “who's going to pay my medical bills?” If you're in…

Fatal Truck Crashes Are On The Rise.

5 years ago

How You Can Protect Yourself From a Truck Crash. Fatal truck wrecks across the United States are increasing at a…

Physician Burn Out a Public Health Crisis

6 years ago

Physician burnout now a public health crisis According to a new report by Massachusetts doctors, “physician burnout has reached alarming…

Why and How Cancer is Misdiagnosed

6 years ago

The sooner a doctor diagnoses most cancers, the higher the likelihood that cancer can be treated. Delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis…

3 Things You Must Do After a Car Crash

6 years ago

If you've been in a car crash here are three important things you need to do to protect yourself: Number…

Common Birth Injuries Caused by Medical Negligence

7 years ago

The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 30% of birth injuries are preventable. Medical negligence is one of…

Hiring a Lawyer Doesn’t Mean Filing a Lawsuit

7 years ago

America has been labeled a litigious society, but the truth is that our legal system offers the best remedy in…

Statute of Limitations in Illinois Birth Injury Cases

7 years ago

In Illinois, every potential lawsuit has a statute of limitations - that is the time frame that you are allowed…

Can a Doctor be Held Liable for an Opioid Overdose?

7 years ago

After major surgery, patients are often prescribed opioid medications. These opioids have given rise to an epidemic of massive proportions. …